


Get Proactive Protection (Can you afford not to?)

Get Proactive Protection (Can You Afford Not To?)

Do not wait until the ransomware hits your business like CVS & Colonial Pipeline:

Over 1 billion CVS Health records exposed online. High-profile ransomware attack costs Colonial Pipeline $5 million!

Think about the costs of downtime, damages to your brand reputation and employees frustrations.

71% of organizations targeted with a ransomware attack were successfully infected.

Increasingly, these actors are targeting backups, APIs, and other environmental utilities to minimize the chances of successful recovery. Did you know that an attacker could penetrate and stay on your network for 6 months or more to prepare his/her attack and learn about your data before he/she encrypts all your data? Thinking about paying the ransom to get your data back? Think again:

Which message are you sending to the attacker if you pay the ransom?

Here is your message to the attacker: The data that you have encrypted is important for my business. Here is the ransom you asked for. So anytime you infect my data I will pay you!

Yes, that is right, many businesses that pay the ransom are experiencing a subsequent ransomware attack. A recent survey shows that nearly 50% of those who paid said some or all of their data retrieved was corrupted.

So what is the solution?

The truth is that there is no single solution that can make your network 100% secure! (Anyone claiming they can provide 100% security for your network are lying or does not know what he/she is talking about – AVOID THEM)

The good news however is that there are so many strategies you can deploy to get pretty close to 100% security!

Building zero trust security stack and layers, policies and behaviors will help you to close the security gap in your organization! Get Proactive Protection Today.

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