


THIS IS NOT THE YEAR 1989. Bizconnectors Multilayers Security Strategy


Ransomware Attacks Have Evolved & Are Evolving!

Move To The Next Level Of Cybersecurity & Productivity

Bizconnectors Multilayers Security Starts with Cybersecurity Risk Assessment!

Here is why:

As a business owner or a member of the executive team, you want to identify any business risk and lay down a mitigation plan for those risks. Cybersecurity Risk Assessment will not only identify vulnerabilities but also increase security awareness for your entire organization. Cybersecurity risk assessment can also help to build your security stack and create a plan predicting the impact of threats and build threat recovery options.

Since the first ransomware attack back in 1989, cyber and ransomware attacks have increasingly evolved to more complex attacks that also are happening more frequently.  Today, businesses are struggling to secure their networks against determined attackers that are many steps ahead of the defenders. While using Anti-Virus protection is a must it is no longer enough.

Business owners across many industries are awake and worried, wondering which cyber attackers are targeting their business now: Ransomware cowboys? Nation-state criminals? The teenage hackers down the street?

Ransomware attacks are projected to cost $273 billion. Yes, this is scary stuff!

Now that so many advanced and complex ransomware attacks targeting all industries worldwide, you as a business owner more than ever need to find a solution to gain peace of mind. 

After all, the worst time to think about addressing this problem is after your business is hit with ransomware. In fact, just because your systems and computers are operational right now, does not mean they are safe or they have not been, breached, infected and compromised already. Attackers can penetrate and stay on your network for months before he/she activate the ransomware.

Once attackers penetrated your network, they can do a number of things:

  • Get access and change or encrypt your backup to make sure that you will not be able to recover your data
  • Upload your data to the cloud to be used for future attacks or even sell to highest bidder
  • Encrypt your data including your mission-critical data and system files

Attackers love vulnerabilities and 87% of their success depends on finding these vulnerabilities and exploiting them. Our Vulnerability Scan Service can help you identify system and network vulnerabilities and create a plan to address them.

Bizconnectors Managed Security Service with Zero Trust and Multilayers Security Strategy build on solid Security Stack and user educational approach to security and protection keeps the bad actors at bay. If we fail to help our clients to have more robust cybersecurity, then we are failing our clients!

The first step towards building Multilayers Security system is to assess your existing security and vulnerabilities.

Claim Your Cybersecurity & Risk Assessment – It Is Free & Confidential!

Build your companywide control on which applications are allowed to run and what are not. Control what can communicate with what at the network, application and on the device level.

3 Easy ways to get started:

  1. Click Claim Your Cybersecurity & Risk Assessment or
  2. Click Schedule Your Free Consultation Today! to schedule a convenient time that works best for you or
  3. Call 866-745-0980

Do you have questions? Get Your Free Consultation Today!

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