


Unveiling the Threats: Understanding the Risks of Compromised Email Accounts

And how to regain control, secure your account, and protect your personal & business information.

Stay One Step Ahead: Expert Tips to Prevent Email Account Compromise
FREE 30 Min. Consultation!

Important: We hate spam as much (or more) than you and promise to NEVER rent, share, or abuse your email address and contact information in any way.

To understand the risk and seriousness of an compromised email account let’s look at some things we see hackers do with a compromised email account. 

When a hacker gains unauthorized access to your email account, they can engage in various malicious activities.  

12 things that a hacker can potentially do with your compromised email:

  1. Read Your Emails: Hackers can access and read your incoming and outgoing emails, granting them insights into your personal and professional conversations. They can also copy your entire mailbox for future use.
  2. Send Phishing Emails: They may use your email account to send phishing emails to your contacts, attempting to trick them into revealing sensitive information or installing malware.
  3. Access Personal Information: Hackers can search through your emails for personal information such as social security numbers, financial details, or login credentials.
  4. Reset Passwords: By accessing your email account, hackers can reset passwords for various online accounts linked to that email address, effectively taking control of those accounts.
  5. Conduct Financial Fraud: With access to your emails, hackers can find financial information, such as bank statements or invoices, and use it for fraudulent purposes.
  6. Impersonate You: Hackers can send emails on your behalf, impersonating you to deceive your contacts or gain unauthorized access to other accounts.
  7. Spread Malware: They may use your email account to distribute malware by sending infected attachments or malicious links to your contacts.
  8. Harvest Contact Information: Hackers can extract email addresses and contact information from your account, which they can then use or sell for spamming or other malicious activities.
  9. Steal Intellectual Property: If you use your email account for work-related communications, hackers can gain access to confidential information, trade secrets, or intellectual property.
  10. Blackmail or Extortion: Hackers may find sensitive or compromising information in your emails and use it to blackmail or extort you or your contacts.
  11. Access Online Services: They can use your compromised email account to gain unauthorized access to your online services, social media accounts, or e-commerce platforms.
  12. Take Over Your Identity: By gaining control of your email account, hackers can use it as a starting point to conduct identity theft or launch targeted attacks against you or your contacts.


It is crucial to take immediate action if you suspect that your email has been compromised to minimize the potential damage caused by these malicious activities.

Fill out the form on this page or call 866-745-0980 to fix your email security now! (And follow our recommendation below)


10 Essential Steps to Fortify Your Email Account Security and Keep Hackers at Bay!

If your email were compromised, it would be a serious breach of your online security and privacy. Such a situation calls for immediate action to mitigate the potential risks and prevent further unauthorized access. If your email were compromised, respond promptly and methodically to regain control of your account and secure your personal information. By following the steps outlined above and maintaining a proactive approach to online security, you would minimize the risks associated with the compromise and work towards preventing similar incidents in the future.

In the event of your email being compromised, We recommend that you would undertake the following steps to regain control, secure your account, and protect your personal information:

  1. Assess the situation: The first step would be to verify whether your email account has indeed been compromised. Look for signs such as unrecognized emails in your sent folder, unfamiliar contacts added to your address book, or any suspicious activities reported by contacts.
  2. Change the password: Without wasting any time, change your email account password. Ensure that the new password is strong, unique, and not used for any other online accounts. This would help prevent unauthorized access and secure your account going forward.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA): To further enhance the security of your email account, enable two-factor authentication if it is not already in place. 2FA adds an extra layer of protection by requiring a second form of verification, such as a unique code sent to your mobile device, in addition to the password.
  4. Check for connected accounts: Many email accounts are linked to other online platforms or services. Carefully review the list of accounts connected to your email and assess whether any of them might have been compromised as well. If necessary, update the passwords for those accounts as well.
  5. Review email settings: It is important to examine the settings of your compromised email account. Hackers may have made changes to forwarding rules, filters, or other settings that could compromise the security or privacy of your communications. Carefully review and reset these settings to ensure they reflect your preferences.
  6. Notify contacts: To ensure transparency and protect others who may have received unauthorized emails or communications from your compromised account, send out a brief email to all your contacts, notifying them of the breach. Advise them to be cautious about any emails they have received from your account during the compromised period.
  7. Monitor for suspicious activity: After taking the initial steps to secure your email account, remain vigilant for any further signs of compromise. Regularly monitor your account for unusual activities, such as failed login attempts or unauthorized access, and report any concerns to the email service provider.
  8. Run antivirus scans: As an added precaution, run a thorough scan of your computer and other devices using trusted antivirus software. This would help detect and remove any malware or keyloggers that may have contributed to the compromise of your email account.
  9. Educate yourself: To prevent future incidents, educate yourself about common phishing techniques, online scams, and best practices for maintaining email security. This knowledge would enable you to recognize and avoid potential threats in the future. Order Bizconnectors Security Awareness Service for all your employees to educate them about phishing emails and potential threats.
  10. Strengthen security measures: Finally, take additional measures to enhance the overall security of your online presence. This might include regularly updating your software and operating system, using a reputable password manager, being cautious of suspicious emails or attachments, and staying informed about the latest cybersecurity practices.


Here we share the Q&A that we have collected from when we help or advice companied to how minimize the risk of compromising their email accounts and how to protect their email accounts:

How can I protect my small business email accounts from compromise?

To protect your small business email accounts, follow these steps:

  • Use strong, unique passwords and consider using a password manager.
  • Enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security.
  • Be cautious of suspicious emails, attachments, and links.
  • Regularly update your email software and applications.
  • Educate yourself and your team about common phishing techniques.
  • Use encryption for sensitive emails and data.
  • Regularly backup your email data to minimize the impact of a potential breach.
  • Monitor your email account for any unusual activity and report any concerns to your email service provider.

What are the risks of having a compromised email account?

Having a compromised email account poses several risks, including:

  • Unauthorized access to sensitive business information.
  • Potential data breaches and exposure of client or employee data.
  • The loss of confidential communications and intellectual property.
  • Damage to your business’s reputation and loss of trust from clients.
  • Financial losses due to fraudulent activities, such as unauthorized transactions or scams.

What are the best practices for CEOs to secure their email accounts?

CEOs can follow these best practices to secure their email accounts:

  • Implement strong and unique passwords.
  • Enable two-factor authentication.
  • Regularly update software and applications.
  • Educate themselves and their team about email security risks.
  • Be cautious of phishing attempts and suspicious emails.
  • Use encryption for sensitive communications.
  • Monitor account activity and report any concerns.
  • Limit access to email accounts to authorized personnel only.

How can I identify and prevent phishing attacks targeting my email account?

To identify and prevent phishing attacks targeting your email account:

  • Be wary of emails requesting sensitive information or urgent action.
  • Verify the legitimacy of emails by checking the sender’s email address and domain.
  • Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown sources.
  • Double-check the email’s content for grammatical errors or inconsistencies.
  • Educate yourself and your team about common phishing techniques and warning signs.
  • Implement spam filters and email security solutions to detect and block phishing attempts.
  • Report phishing emails to your email service provider.

Are there specific tools or software that can help with email account security?

Yes, there are various tools and software available to enhance email account security. These include:

  • Email encryption software for secure communication.
  • Spam filters and anti-malware software to detect and block malicious emails.
  • Two-factor authentication apps or services for additional login security.
  • Password managers to generate and store strong, unique passwords.
  • Email security platforms that provide advanced threat detection and prevention.

What steps should I take if I suspect that my email account has been compromised?

If you suspect that your email account has been compromised, take these steps:

  • Immediately change your email account password.
  • Enable two-factor authentication, if not already enabled.
  • Review and update your security settings, including recovery options.
  • Scan your computer for malware or viruses.
  • Check your email account for any unauthorized changes or suspicious activities.
  • Inform your email service provider about the suspected compromise.
  • Notify your contacts to be cautious of any suspicious emails from your account.
  • Consider seeking assistance from cybersecurity professionals if needed.

How can I educate my team about email security and prevent breaches?

To educate your team about email security and prevent breaches:

  • Conduct regular training sessions on email security best practices.
  • Provide examples of phishing emails and educate them on how to identify them.
  • Emphasize the importance of strong and unique passwords.
  • Encourage reporting of suspicious emails or activities.
  • Implement security policies and guidelines for email usage.
  • Regularly communicate updates and reminders about email security.
  • Stay informed about the latest email security threats and share relevant information with your team.
  • Call Bizconnectors 866-745-0980 and ask for Employee Security Awareness Service.

Are there any legal or regulatory requirements I need to consider regarding email account security?

Yes, there may be legal and regulatory requirements depending on your jurisdiction and industry. For example, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union mandates the protection of personal data, including email communications. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with relevant laws and regulations specific to your location and industry to ensure compliance and protect sensitive information.

What are the most common signs of a compromised email account?

Common signs of a compromised email account include:

  • Unusual or unauthorized activity, such as emails marked as “read” that you haven’t opened.
  • Outgoing messages you didn’t send, or contacts reporting receiving suspicious emails from your account.
  • Missing or deleted emails, folders, or contacts.
  • Changes in account settings, such as forwarding rules or vacation auto-replies that you didn’t set up.
  • Receiving numerous bounce-back messages or delivery failure notifications for emails you didn’t send.
  • If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to take immediate action to secure your account.
  • Call Bizconnectors 866-745-0980 and have a consultation.

Can implementing two-factor authentication enhance the security of my email accounts?

Absolutely! Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security to your email accounts. It requires a second form of verification, typically a unique code sent to your mobile device, in addition to your password. Even if a hacker manages to obtain your password, they would still need physical access to your mobile device to complete the authentication process. This significantly enhances the security of your email accounts and helps prevent unauthorized access.

How can I build a strong password to protect my email account?

To build a strong password for your email account, consider the following tips:

  • Use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Avoid easily guessable information such as your name, birthdate, or common dictionary words.
  • Create a unique password for each online account, including your email.
  • Make it at least eight characters long, but longer is generally better.
  • Consider using a password manager to generate and securely store complex passwords.
  • Regularly updating your passwords and avoiding common password pitfalls can significantly enhance the security of your email account.

Are there any industry-specific vulnerabilities I should be aware of when it comes to email security?

Yes, different industries may have specific vulnerabilities to consider when it comes to email security. For example, the healthcare industry may face risks associated with the protection of patient data, while financial institutions may need to focus on securing confidential financial information. It’s important to stay informed about industry-specific regulations, best practices, and emerging threats to address vulnerabilities effectively. Consulting with cybersecurity professionals who specialize in your industry can provide valuable insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Bizconnectors can help you build and maintain your Email Security and minimizing the risk of compromising email accounts for your entire organization!

Fill out the form on this page or book your free consultation today to speak with us about how to achieve that!

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